My name is John and I want to prepare your taxes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Your Tax Question - 024

Dear John, I received a correction to my taxes and a check with extra money. Now that the IRS told me that I did not owe them as much as I thought, does this mean that the state owes me some money too? If so, how do I get that money back? Thanks, Heather.
Hi Heather,

The answer to your question depends on the reason for the IRS returning money to you. If it was a simple clerical error then the IRS was just adjusting some wrong math or something taken from a wrong line. However, if you received money because your stated income was incorrect then the state likely does owe you some money. Contact
your state's Treasury Office for more information.

Happy Hunting,

PS. I'm a pretty good shot if you need some help with this. Email me

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